jQuery timer/countdown using server time

2019-09-09 12:35发布


I'm trying to have a countdown for every 10 minutes (according to the server time, not client). Every 10 minutes (eg. 10am, 10:10am, 10:20:am [on the tens]) it needs to refresh the page and start over.

I've found timeout functions but none that use the server time and that I can have reset on the tens.

Has anyone done anything like this before?



You can render the start of the timer form server side and then use it to control the timer logic on the server side.


var timerStart = new Date("dateString");//Render this from server side

And then use timerStart variable in countdown logic.

Some examples to create a new Date in JavaScript.

new Date(milliseconds) //milliseconds since 1970/01/01
new Date(dateString)
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)


Im not all that familiar with C#, so pardon the PHP example, but the concept is the same. In your Javascript, create a variable that holds the length of time until the next refresh..

    var firstRefresh=<?php echo $numberOfMiliSecondsToFirstRefresh; ?>;

Then you can set your first timer to refresh in that amount of time, and from then on out, you can just refresh every 10 minutes...


I ended up using some of the ideas in comments/answers and other posts and came up with this.

It counts down every 10 minutes (again, according to the server) and displays the timer value. When it reaches "0" (-1:59) it will reload the page and start over at 10 minutes.

May not be the cleanest code, but it seems to work pretty well:

var currentMin = @DateTime.Now.Minute;
var currentSec = @DateTime.Now.Second;
var minutesLeft = 0;
var secondsLeft = 0;

$(document).ready(function() {

function setupTimer() {
    var baseMins = 0;
    if (currentMin >= 0 && currentMin <= 9)
        baseMins = 10;
    else if (currentMin >= 10 && currentMin <= 19)
        baseMins = 20;
    else if (currentMin >= 20 && currentMin <= 29)
        baseMins = 30;
    else if (currentMin >= 30 && currentMin <= 39)
        baseMins = 40;
    else if (currentMin >= 40 && currentMin <= 49)
        baseMins = 50;
    else if (currentMin >= 50 && currentMin <= 59)
        baseMins = 60;

    minutesLeft = (baseMins - 1) - currentMin;
    secondsLeft = 60 - currentSec;

    setInterval(decreaseTimer, 1000);

function decreaseTimer() {
    if (secondsLeft == -1) {
        secondsLeft = 59;
    if (minutesLeft == -1 && secondsLeft == 59) {

function displayTimer() {
    if (minutesLeft == 0)
        minutesLeft = "0";
    if (secondsLeft < 10)
        secondsLeft = "0" + secondsLeft;
    var timerDisplay = minutesLeft + ":" + secondsLeft;

标签: c# jquery timer