
Only first local DOM element showing with Polymer

2019-09-09 11:15发布


I've been toying with Polymer 1.0 a bit and have this basic HTML file:

  <link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"/>
  <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js">
  <dom-module id="photo-view">
      <p>Photo <span>{{basePic}}</span> goes here with filters

      var PhotoView = Polymer({
        is: 'photo-view',
        properties: {
          basePic: String,
          filters: { type: Array, value: function() { return []; } }

  <dom-module id="photo-open">
      <button>Click me to open a photo!</button>

      var PhotoOpen = Polymer({
        is: 'photo-open',
        properties: {
          picture: { type: String, notify: true }

  <dom-module id="photo-editor">
      <photo-view base-pic="{{picture}}"/>
      <photo-open picture="{{picture}}"/>

      var PhotoEditor = Polymer({
        is: 'photo-editor',
        properties: {
          picture: { type: String, value: 'xyz.jpg' }


Now, I'd expect this to show the words Photo xyz.jpg goes here with filters [], followed by the button that says Click me to open a photo!. Only issue is, only the first local DOM element in photo-editor shows! For instance, right now, only the photo-view part shows. If I put the photo-open above photo-view like:

<dom-module id="photo-editor">
    <!-- Swapped order here -->
    <photo-open picture="{{picture}}"/>
    <photo-view base-pic="{{picture}}"/>


then only the button shows, but not the text. What am I doing wrong? I've been looking over the docs, and I can't see any obvious issues. There are no errors in the Chrome devtools, either.


Custom elements must have a closing tag.

A void element is an element whose content model never allows it to have contents under any circumstances. Void elements can have attributes.

The following is a complete list of the void elements in HTML:

area, base, br, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr

This is the reason why you are getting unexpected results in your code.