I have 3 models (Workout, WorkoutSet, WorkoutStep) with the following associations:
- A Workout has many sets
- A WorkoutSet has many WorkoutSep
- And a WorkoutStep has an array of videos (called
Using simple_form and cocoon I made the forms to edit such associations but, at the deepest level (the array of videos of WorkoutStep) by the time I edit a Workout, the order seem not to be constant, being, instead, ordered by (guessing) the last time the attribute has been modified (in this case, modified is changing a property, such as selecting another video).
I want the array of videos to remain constant between edits.
This is how my form looks like:
= f.simple_fields_for :main_video_usage do |mv|
= render 'main_video_usage_fields', f: mv
.steps{ :style => "margin-left: 680px" }
= link_to_remove_association 'remove step', f
= link_to_add_association 'add video', f, :main_video_usage
= f.collection_select :video_id, Video.all.order(:title), :id, :title