The code block is listed below:
public static Vertex[] computeSubGraph(Vertex[] AdjList, int[] retiming)
Vertex[] subGraph = new Vertex[AdjList.length];
for (int i = 0; i < AdjList.length; i++) {
subGraph[i].nodeDelay = AdjList[i].nodeDelay;
subGraph[i].predecessor = AdjList[i].predecessor;
subGraph[i].mark = AdjList[i].mark;
subGraph[i].starTime = AdjList[i].starTime;
subGraph[i].finishTime = AdjList[i].finishTime;
for (int j = 0; j < AdjList[i].inArcList.size(); j++) {
ArcNode old = AdjList[i].inArcList.get(j);
ArcNode newNode = new ArcNode(old.adjVex, old.arcWeight);
return subGraph;
This is the Vertex class:
public class Vertex implements Comparable<Vertex> {
public int arcWeight;
public int preDelay;
public boolean infinite = true;
public int nodeDelay = 0;
public Vertex predecessor = null;
public ArcNode firstArc = null;
public int mark = 0;
public int starTime;
public int finishTime;
public ArrayList<ArcNode> inArcList = new ArrayList<ArcNode>();
public ArrayList<ArcNode> outArcList = new ArrayList<ArcNode>();
Actually, I just want to copy the element in AdjList to a new array subgraph. But the error message shows that "java.lang.NullPointerException" and shows the problem lies in "subGraph[i].nodeDelay = AdjList[i].nodeDelay;" line.
I tested by printing to the console. And found the AdjList.length is 8 and the problem occurs in the very first round; And even when I only write "subGraph[i].nodeDelay;" without assigning any value to it, it also shows the wrong message. Any idea on this? Thanks in advance.