I have a web application using Intuit API V3 written in vb.net. My application has been working flawlessly while using QuickBooks desktop data. I began testing QuickBooks Online data today. The first time I logged in with my QuickBooks Online user it retrieved the customer list. Subsequent tries to retrieve the customer list fail.
The error message I receive is: "Fault Exception of type: SystemFault has been generated." Inner Exception: System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of Intuit.Ipp.Exception.IdsError)
Dim customerList As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of Customer)
'* create service
Dim service As DataService = ValidateService(aPage)
'* create a customer object
Dim customerObject As Customer = New Customer()
If aBool = True Then
customerObject.CompanyName = ""
'* get the customers
customerList = service.FindAll(customerObject, 1, 500)
It fails on the line "customerList = service.FindAll(customerObject, 1, 500)"
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated, thank you.