I try to embed the jquery based handsonetable (http://handsontable.com) ui widget into a polymer-dart webcomponent.
The Webcomponent is defined like that:
<polymer-element name="my-table">
<div id="table"></div>
<script type="application/dart" src="t.dart"></script>
The t.dart:
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'dart:js';
var data = [
["", "VW", "BMW", "Mercedes", "Mini", "Mitsubishi"],
["2012", 2, 2422, 5399, 776, 4151]
class MyTable extends PolymerElement
{ MyTable.created() : super.created()
{ final element = shadowRoot.querySelector("#table");
context.callMethod(r'$', [element])
.callMethod( 'handsontable', [new JsObject.jsify({'data': data,
'minSpareRows': 1,
'colHeaders': true,
'contextMenu': true})]);
I get no error, but the component isn´t initialized. If I try in the main.dart, it works fine.
The approach works for the jquery-ui widget "datepicker" How to embed a jquery ui widget into a polymer-dart webcomponent