After getting the onComplete method to fire, I found that my responseJSON variable does not appear to contain the information I expected it to. Is this me screwing up somewhere(probably), or something not working quite right? FineUploader is recognizing a successful upload, so I know its getting the response, but when I log responseJSON in the onComplete, it prints "responseJSON: ". Just the file name. no braces, brackets, etc.
Client Side Code
uploader = new $("#collaboration-fine-uploader").fineUploader
autoUpload: false
multiple: false
allowedExtensions: ['pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'xls', 'xlsx']
sizeLimit: 1024*1024*1024*10 # 10MB
uploadButton: "<i class='icon-plus icon-white'></i> Select Files"
endpoint: "/files/discussions/collaborations/upload"
uploader.on "complete", (id, fileName, responseJSON) ->
console.log "responseJSON: "+responseJSON
if (responseJSON.success)
discussionId = responseJSON.discussionId
type: "GET"
url: "/courses/"+serverData.course._id+"/discussions/"+discussionId
beforeSend: (xhr) ->
xhr.setRequestHeader 'x-pjax', 'true'
success: (html) ->
# Replace the old html
$(".discussions-tab").html html
# History push
window.history.pushState window.history.state, "Discussions", "/courses/"+serverData.course._id+"/discussions/"+discussionId
# Scroll to top
$.scrollTo 0
Server side Response Code (just the necessary part)
response =
"success": true
console.log JSON.stringify response
res.send JSON.stringify response
EDIT: I've also added a log to the FineUploader-3.3.0.js file, and it is receiving the correct JSON object, it is just not passing it back correctly for some reason.