I coded a simple application which displays a dataview.List articles in the home page.
Here's a view of my home page :
I can also open a specific article by clicking on it and have its complete description in an other view.
Here's my article view page for a specific article :
To do this I apply a filter in my ArticleController class (here I get the matched record).
onViewArticle: function(record) {
var articleStore = Ext.getStore("ArticleStore");
var selectedArticle = record;
articleStore.filterBy(function(record, id) {
if (selectedArticle.data.id == id)
return (true);
return (false);
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getArticleViewConnexContainer(), {
type: "slide", direction: "left"
And here's my store class :
Ext.define("MyApp.store.ArticleStore", {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
requires: ["MyApp.model.ArticleModel"],
config: {
model: "MyApp.model.ArticleModel",
proxy: {
type: "ajax",
api: {
create: "http://localhost/MobileApplication/MyApp/services/ArticleService.php?action=create",
read: "http://localhost/MobileApplication/MyApp/services/ArticleService.php?action=read",
update: "http://localhost/MobileApplication/MyApp/services/ArticleService.php?action=update",
destroy: "http://localhost/MobileApplication/MyApp/services/ArticleService.php?action=destroy"
extraParams: {
keyword: ""
reader: {
type: "json",
rootProperty: "articles",
totalProperty: "total"
autoLoad: true
But now, I want to apply another filter in the same action to list others articles (with another specific filter) just below the article description. This involve to use two differents filters I think (one to get back the specific article (already done here) and an other one for the article list I want just below the article description). But how can I do this ? If I apply two filters in the same controller function, the second one will destroy the prevent one because all store data are in the cache. Is there a possible way (like in php MVC frameworks for instance) to send a variable from the controller to the view and display its content (By this way I will have two differents variables and I will can display the content of my two requests on my view)? Or maybe a possible way to handle several stores in the same time ? I'm really lost. Does anyone can help me, please ? Thanks in advance for your help.