I have followed the instructions on https://github.com/jlitola/play-sass. My plugins.sbt reads (for the last two lines)
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
addSbtPlugin("net.litola" % "play-sass" % "0.3.0")`
For build.sbt, I earlier had SassPlugin.sassSettings on the last line (separate from playScalaSettings). I've changed it now to
net.litola.SassPlugin.sassSettings + play.Project.playScalaSettings
However, I still can't get this to work :-). My files are in
(EDIT: delibrerately different so that I know which one works), however, I don't see any resulting css. scss and sass work fine from command line.
Looks like changes in plugins.sbt and build.sbt are recognized by play because when I intentionally add a typo, SassPlugin.sassSetting
in place of SassPlugin.sassSettings
, play reload update gives me an error which fixes when I fix the typo back. Would someone know what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I'm on play2.2 btw.