I'm working on an application in Visual Studio 2010 and I'm coding in C++/CLI.
In my previous questions I had issue with data series from a serial port. Now it seems ok and now I'm trying to plot them.
I don't want to use Chart
, so I would like to use handmade functions that use the class Graphics
. In order to test my code, I created two arrays: the first one is filled with values coming from a Gaussian. The second one is filled with random numbers.
When I plot the values, I would like to see my plot growing and updating just like an oscilloscope. The second Do_Plot
manages to "remove point" plotting them by the BackColor.
All the code works as intended but I'm experiencing problem with performances. If I run the code on my Pc, my series is plotted every 500/700 ms.
Sometimes it slows down to 1500ms and then it comes back faster.
I tried to run the code on my coworkers' Pc and I noticed the series is plotted every 170ms on the first one, whereas the series is plotted every 950ms on the second one.
This is the code:
System::Void Form1::button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
button1->Enabled = false;
array<float,1>^ Gauss = gcnew array<float,1>(1001);
array<float,1>^ Rumore = gcnew array<float,1>(1001);
/*Some useful variables*/
Random^ generatore = gcnew Random;
float a = safe_cast<float>(Math::Round(5/(SIGMA*Math::Sqrt(2*PI)), 2));
float b = safe_cast<float>(2*(SIGMA*SIGMA));
/*Start */
float portante;
float r;
float s;
int convX =1000/1000;
int convY =500/2;
/*time variables */
int bias = 50;
int dif =600;
/*Gap between drawing and removing*/
int k = 3;
int e1 = 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
clock_t Start = clock();
portn = 5;
portn = float::Parse(textBox1->Text);
/*temp variables to go out the for cycle */
portante = portn;
r = rand;
s = sig;
/ckeck state is OK */
check = 0;
for(int i = 1; i<=1000; i++) {
Gauss[i] = safe_cast<float>(Math::Round( a*s*Math::Exp(-Math::Pow(((0.01*1*(i))-portante), 2)/b), 2));
Rumore[i] = safe_cast<float>(Math::Round(r*generatore->NextDouble(), 2));
bool clipSup = ClipSup(2, Gauss[i]+Rumore[i]);
if(clipSup==true) {
Gauss[i] = 1.99f;
Rumore[i] = 0;
Do_Plot(g, disegna, i-1, Gauss[i-1]+Rumore[i-1], i, Gauss[i]+Rumore[i], convX, convY);
e1 =(k+i)%1000;
Do_Plot(g, rimuovi, e1, Gauss[e1]+Rumore[e1], e1+1, Gauss[e1+1]+Rumore[e1+1], convX, convY);
/*Ckeck if go out for cycle*/
if(check == CODE_1 ) {
portante = portn;
if(check == CODE_2 ) {
r = rand;
if(check == CODE_3 ) {
s = sig;
clock_t Stop = clock();
int Diff = Stop-Start;
label8->Text = Convert::ToString(Diff);
int tempDiff = (Stop-Start)+bias;
//Do_Axes(g); /*Do Axes*/
//Do_Grid(g); /*Do Grid */
dif = 600;
bias = 0;
bias +=50; //Else bias grows
Where Do_Plot
void Do_Plot(Graphics^ g, Pen^ penna, int Xi, float Yi, int Xf, float Yf, int convX, int convY) {
g->DrawLine(penna, (convX*Xi+50), safe_cast<int>(500-(Yi*convY)+50),
(convX*Xf+50), safe_cast<int>(500-(Yf*convY)+50));
I have declared Graphics^ g
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
Graphics^ g;
//TODO: aggiungere qui il codice del costruttore.
g = pictureBox1->CreateGraphics();
Onestly I don't know why my code works so differently when it runs on another Pc. I think the problem is g = pictureBox1->CreateGraphics();
but I'm just doing some hypothesis. Any kind of help would be really appreciated cause I'm stuck on this one since the previous week!!
Thanks a lot!