How can I unbind the hover opacity effect of a text link when it is clicked?
For instance,
a.test {
a.test:hover {
opacity:0.6 !important;
filter:alpha(opacity=60) !important;
<a href="#" class="test">Click Me</a>
$(this).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
return false;
I don't want that opacity hover effect when it is clicked.
Here is the link.
I would prefer a solution without hack classes. Is it possible?
here is a solution that adds a class which is used to reset the opacity with css.
a.test:hover {
opacity:0.6 !important;
filter:alpha(opacity=60) !important;
a.test.clicked:hover {
opacity:1 !important;
filter:alpha(opacity=100) !important;
<a href="" class="test">Click Me</a>
return false;
If you can't modify the CSS that creates the :hover
state, use styles.
$('.test').css({'opacity':'1.0 !important','-ms-filter':'',filter:'none !important'});
Inline style should be a higher priority than CSS styles.