I am running the Selenium Test cases in parallel using TestNG in different browsers. (usage of: Selenium-Grid) I want to execute the same test case in different browser with different(variation of same) data. For eg. a same data can not be used in case of 'registration' over different browsers. As once the member is registered on a website can not register again in the same.
Req: Registration test case in 3 browsers IE,FF,Chrome in parallel. I am using
public Object[][] getRegData() {
Object[][] data = {{"Max","Male","Italy"},{"James","Male","France"},{"Alex","Male","Spain"}};
return data;
This data is utilized as Test Data. But what happens is each test case is executed 3 times. Each Test-case with each 'data' instance. so 3 Test Cases x 3 'data' entries = 9 executions. Each data instance should be utilized only once. Total executions should be only 3