I have an array of 'cell' objects created like so:
class Cell:
def __init__(self, index, type, color):
self.index = index
self.type = type
self.score = 0
self.x = index%grid_size
self.y = int(index/grid_size)
self.color = colour
alpha = 0.8
b = 2.0
grid_size = 100
scale = 5
number_cells = grid_size*grid_size
num_cooperators = int(number_cells*alpha)
cells = range(number_cells)
cooperators = cells[0:num_cooperators]
defectors = cells[num_cooperators:number_cells]
cells = [Cell(i, 'C', blue) for i in cooperators]
cells += [Cell(i, 'D', red) for i in defectors]
I am grabbing attributes from them in a loop like so:
while 1:
pixArr = pygame.PixelArray(windowSurfaceObj)
for cell in cells:
x = cell.x
y = cell.y
color = cell.color
for y_offset in range(0,scale):
for x_offset in range(0,scale):
pixArr[x*scale + x_offset][y*scale + y_offset] = color
del pixArr
I am leaking memory like crazy... what's going on?