I'm currently developing a simple web based application which is using HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. I'm developing this with Adobe Dreamweaver 3.0 and I have used procedural PHP in writing server side scripting. Now, I want to test the PHP codes. Can someone tell me how can I test the procedural PHP code in dreamweaver?
You need install a webserver and php in your computer to test localy your site. I recomend you XAMPP.
It's the easy way to install all that you need.
To run your code you need a server installed in your machine. After successfully installing the server your need to start that server. To check is your server working? Open a browser and type localhost
Also you need to put your php file inside the server DocumentRoot Folder In Xammp server it located here C:\xampp\htdocs\
In Vertrigo server it located here C:\VertrigoServ\www\
It will display the localhost page like this.
In Xampp Server
In Vertigo Server