I have a C# app targeting UWP Desktop & Mobile platforms. I want to run WACK tests prior to submitting app to store. I am trying to create app package by following the steps mentioned in this MSDN page
When ever I try to reserve a name for my app, I am getting the following error:
An unexpected error occurred when attempting to reserve the app name
Since the error info is not very useful, I am clueless as to what is going wrong.
I tried with several different name but every time I get the same error.
I do not thing there is any issue with my account as I am able to login using my credentials as I see this message in VS-2015: "You are signed into Windows Store as xxx@yyy.com"
This is a business account. Several members of my team use this common account to register new apps on behalf of the company.
I have checked this MSDN Forum page. I followed steps mentioned in the solution, unfortunately Microsoft Application Registration Portal doesnt seem to recognize my account xxx@yyy.com