Mediaplayer WinForm won't play

2019-09-08 18:17发布


I have this code which checks if a song has ended, and if it has selects the next one. I have the song names in a ListBox, so when the next song gets selected the first function triggers. Can you explain me why it doesn't play the song?

private void Files_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    player.URL = percorsi[Files.SelectedIndex];

private void player_PlayStateChange(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent er)
    if (er.newState == 8)
        Files.SetSelected((Files.SelectedIndex + 1) % nomi.Length , true);


Microsoft's help page for the URL property has the following comment.

Do not call this method from event handler code. Calling URL from an event handler may yield unexpected results.

You can also see this previous post.

Playing two video with axWindowsMediaPlayer

The solution I came up with, though not the best, was to create a Timer on the Form and implemented the _Tick handler. Then in the Form I also created a Boolean (initialized to false) to indicate that a new file should be played.

    private void axWindowsMediaPlayer1_PlayStateChange(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent e)
        if (e.newState == 8)
            Files.SelectedIndex = File.SelectedIndex + 1;

    private void Files_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        playNewFile = true;

    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (playNewFile)
            axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = percorsi[Files.SelectedIndex];
            playNewFile = false;

I set the Timer Interval for 100 ms and started it in the Form_Load event.

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        timer1.Interval = 100;