I'm building a small ecommerce site that sells a variety of mens and womens clothing. i would like to render a partial based on which taxonomy the user is in. For example, if the user is at mysite.com/t/women/pants I would like to render _women.html.erb, or, if the user is at mysite.com/t/men/shirts I would like to render _men.html.erb.
I have a Taxonomy model that has_many taxons, and the Taxon model has_many products.
In taxons_controller.rb I have:
def show
@taxon = Taxon.find_by_permalink(params[:id])
return unless @taxon
@taxonomy = Spree::Taxonomy.all
@taxon_title = Spree::Taxon.all
@searcher = Spree::Config.searcher_class.new(params.merge(:taxon => @taxon.id))
@searcher.current_user = try_spree_current_user
@searcher.current_currency = current_currency
@products = @searcher.retrieve_products
And in taxons#show I have: (which I know is wrong)
<% @taxon_title.each do |title| %>
<% @taxonomy.each do |taxonomy| %>
<% if title.name == taxonomy.name %>
<%= render "spree/shared/#{title.name.downcase}" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
When I go to mysite.com/t/women/long-sleeve the rails debugger displays :
controller: spree/taxons
action: show
id: women/long-sleeve
How do I access the id of the action im inside, so that in the controller/view I can do something like:
'if id equals 'women' render "spree/shared/#{title.name.downcase}"'
where title is the name of the taxonomy?
I imagine I need to find(params[:something] in the show action of the controller, but I'm a little unclear about params.
* * * @beck03076 That's a great trick. Thank you very much. But it's still not working.
In my controller I put:
@taxon_id = Spree::Taxon.find(params[:id])
Then in the action I put:
render 'spree/shared/women' if @taxon_id == params[:id]
And when I load the page it says 'the page you were looking for doesn't exist'. My partial is in the correct directory. Is my syntax correct?
My params are:
{"controller"=>"spree/taxons", "action"=>"show", "id"=>"women/long-sleeve"}
Thanks again for your help!