I need a directive for upload file (brwose to choose file, and get it as binary data ) , in my angular application.
I use it a lot of times, so it has to be generic.
What is the best way to do it?
I need a directive for upload file (brwose to choose file, and get it as binary data ) , in my angular application.
I use it a lot of times, so it has to be generic.
What is the best way to do it?
This works fine.Of course some wrapping directive can be made at your side.
directive code
.directive("fileReaderGallery", ['background', function (background) {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: true,
templateUrl: "templates/directive.html",
replace: true,
link: function ($scope, el, attrs) {
var input = null,
drag_image_gallery = el.find('.drag_image_gallery');
$scope.dragging = false;
$scope.fileselected = false;
$scope.uploaded = false;
$scope.uploading = false;
$scope.image = null;
$scope.clearFileReader = function () {
if (!attrs.styling || !input) return false;
$scope.formTitan.elementStyles[attrs.styling][$scope.styledItem.pt]['background-image'] = '';
$scope.formSelected[attrs.styling].imageFile = null;
$scope.formSelected[attrs.styling].isImage = false;
input.value = '';
$scope.fileselected = false;
$scope.imageName = '';
var readfiles = function (files) {
var reader, bg;
if (files && files[0]) {
if (files.length > 1) {
return console.log("Select single file only");
reader = new FileReader;
reader.onload = function (e) {
if (files[0].type.indexOf('image/') !== -1) {
if (e.target.result) {
bg = {
'background-image': e.target.result,
'background-repeat': 'repeat',
'background-position': 'top',
'background-size': ''
$scope.uploading = true;
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.current.dcBGImage = angular.copy(bg);
$scope.imageName = files[0].name;
$scope.image = e.target.result;
$scope.fileselected = true;
} else {
return console.log('Please select an Image');
return reader.readAsDataURL(files[0]);
$scope.clickUpload = function () {
drag_image_gallery[0].ondragover = function () {
$scope.dragging = true;
return false;
drag_image_gallery[0].ondragleave = function () {
$scope.dragging = false;
drag_image_gallery[0].ondrop = function (e) {
$scope.dragging = false;
el.find('.bg-file-reader').on('change', function () {
html template code
<div class="row upload_image text-center">
<div class="drag_image drag_image_gallery row text-center" ng-class=" {ondragover:dragging}">
Drag an Image here
<div class="row text-center choose_computer">
<button ng-click="clickUpload()" class="btn btn-default">Choose from your computer</button>
<input type="file" class="bg-file-reader upload" name="gallery"/>
directive with drag and drop and chose file both functionality