I have the following problem on a TYPO3 6.1.7 installation: on the news details page, when trying to add some parameters to the url, i get thrown to the 404 page
So if i have a url of type :
[my_site]/typo3_6.1.7/examples/tt-news/news-details/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=3&cHash=9011f9244c0a445bc1409ee0ef137d54 and i try to add any parameter after cHash (for example some_param=123), it goes to the 404 page with a 404 redirect code.
We would need this functionality for accessing the news details page with some google analytics params, such as ?utm_source=XXX&utm_medium=YYY&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=ZZZ
The same thing happens when I try to add some params to a news details page that is based on the new tx_news news system :
[my_site]typo3_6.1.5/examples/news/article/typo3-celebrates-20th-anniversary/?utm_source=XXX&utm_medium=YYY&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=ZZZ also goes to the 404 page.
Without adding those params in the url, the news are displayed fine, no redirect happens.
I have tried using the automatic realurl configuration, as well as the one from the examples from the tt_news extension, with equal results: always the 404 page.
I have also tried it on different servers with TYPO3 6.1.7, with php 5.3 or php 5.4
on them.
These would be the symptoms. Anybody any ideas about a cure? Could there be a compatibility issue between TYPO3 6, realurl and the news systems (tt_news & tx_news)?