I have a project in mips and its about decimal to binary conversion I managed to write the code and its working fine but as you all know when we make decimal to binary conversion on paper we write result in reverse and thats the key point because my program writes 1 and 0 in normal order and because that it just prints on screen I cant give a command to reverse it.
How can I reverse it should I store varibles in array and reverse it or use stacks please my knowlage is very low(as you can see from the code) and I am stuck with it.Help me please.
ms1_msg:.asciiz "Enter The Number:"
.globl main
la $a0,ms1_msg
li $v0,4
li $v0,5 #user enters number and it is stored in t0
move $t0,$v0
addi $t1,$zero,1 #t1=1
addi $t2,$zero,2 #t2=2
add $t5,$zero,1 #t5=1
add $t8,$zero,$zero
add $t6,$zero,$t0 #t6=1
loop1: #trying to find the counter for loop 2
addi $t5,$t5,1
div $t0,$t2
mflo $t4
beq $t4,$t1,loop2
sub $t0,$t0,$t0
add $t0,$t4,$t0
j loop1
loop2: #twith using the counter (t5) I define how many times loop should circle.
addi $t9,$t9,1
div $t6,$t2
mfhi $t7
mflo $t8
move $a0, $t7
li $v0, 1
beq $t9,$t5,exit
sub $t6,$t6,$t6
add $t6,$t8,$t6
j loop2
li $v0,10