I am trying to deploy heapster in a cluster and collect metrics and store it in Influxdb. I can provide sink for Influxdb. But I am not sure how to provide the value for --source flag to connect to the secured kube API server. Can someone help me to find out this.
Note: I am trying to deploy heapster in the same cluster where the
kube API server is running.
Thanks in advance.
I use heapster with parameter
means I don't use serviceaccount in cluster.
means I trust ApiServer in this cluster.
- Most importantly,
is the auth config when try to connect to ApiServer, this is the same kubeconfig your kubectl/kubelet use. You can mount this config into heapster pod using Configmap or normal Volume.
More source configuration, you can ref here
I found out the solution for this. The parameter that I am using is
I mounted /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig
to the heapster container which is used by the kube-proxy and now the heapster can talk to the secured API server.
Also I changed the heapster image to gcr.io/google_containers/heapster:v1.2.0
Note: InfluxDB must be of the latest version in order to make this work. I am using v1.2
I am not sure if this is the right method. But it works out for me.
Thank you for all responses.