I have integrated AdMob in my Android app. I noticed the app taking up more and more storage space in a folder called app_webview generated by AdMob inside the app data folder. Should I clear the contents of this folder on each app exit ?
Should I clear the contents of this folder on each app exit ?
Why would you want to do that? Admob does this to provide better and speedy ad serving. And I'm sure the amount it is caching is within tolerable limits. Clearing that much space on the user's storage will not make him much happy. But you'll lose on revenue because of Admob trying to re-download all the stuff again. It will lower your fill rate and thereby your revenue.
There is no harm in doing it but you'll lose more (revenue) than you gain (user satisfaction). The user might not even notice it.
Admob is just caching its ads so they load quicker. The Android OS will clear the /cache directory if the filesystem gets too full, and Admob should be managing its own cache size. You shouldn't have to worry about it.