I want to make stacked bar chart where each portion has a width that encodes one value (say "Change" in the data below) and a height that encodes another value ("Share")
In some ways this is like a histogram with different bin sizes. There are a few "histogram" questions but none seem to address this. Plot Histograms in Highcharts
So given data like this:
Category Share Price Change
Apples 14.35 0.1314192423
Horseradish 46.168 0.1761474117
Figs 2.871 0.018874249
Tomatoes 13.954 0.0106121298
Mangoes 7.264 0.1217297011
Raisins 5.738 0.0206787136
Eggplant 6.31 0.0110160732
Other produce 3.344 0.0945377722
I can make a stacked bar that captures the "share" column in widths: ![](https://www.manongdao.com/static/images/pcload.jpg)
And another that captures the "change" column in heights:
And I can use an image editor to combine those into this histogram-like beast:
Which really captures that horseradish is a huge deal. So my question is, can I do that within Highcharts?
You can realise that by using snippet.
(function (H) {
var seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
each = H.each,
extendClass = H.extendClass,
defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions,
merge = H.merge;
defaultPlotOptions.marimekko = merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {
pointPadding: 0,
groupPadding: 0
seriesTypes.marimekko = extendClass(seriesTypes.column, {
type: 'marimekko',
pointArrayMap: ['y', 'z'],
parallelArrays: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
processData: function () {
var series = this;
this.totalZ = 0;
this.relZ = [];
each(this.zData, function (z, i) {
series.relZ[i] = series.totalZ;
series.totalZ += z;
translate: function () {
var series = this,
totalZ = series.totalZ,
xAxis = series.xAxis;
// Distort the points to reflect z dimension
each(this.points, function (point, i) {
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
relZ = series.relZ[i];
shapeArgs.x *= (relZ / totalZ) / (shapeArgs.x / xAxis.len);
shapeArgs.width *= (point.z / totalZ) / (series.pointRange / series.xAxis.max);
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/75oucp3b/