I need to format a column of numbers in textView
by displaying a column of fractional and decimal numbers and aligning them so the decimal point or forward slash characters appear in the same column like so ...
x 1/1
1 76.04900
x 193.15686
x 310.26471
4 5/4
x 503.42157
6 579.47057
x 696.57843
x 25/16
9 889.73529
x 1006.84314
11 1082.89214
This was achieved in Swift by inserting the appropriate number of leading whitespace characters and using left justification with a font where the column width is the same for each character.
To calculate the number of whitespaces, characters in the remainder or the dividend are excluded from the total number of characters in each number. This simple task involved subtracting .index(of: )
from .count
and was complicated by the fact that .index(of:)
returns an optional Array.Index?
not an Int?
I suspect there might be a simpler way to achieve the same result and welcome any improvements to the Swift code below that might make life easier for whoever has to maintain it. The code was extracted from my project and has been tested in Playground.
Note. textMessage
is a single string. It is currently displayed in the Debug area. It will eventually be displayed in a textView
//: Playground
import UIKit
var tuningArray = ["1/1", "76.04900", "193.15686", "310.26471", "5/4", "503.42157", "579.47057", "696.57843", "25/16", "889.73529", "1006.84314", "1082.89214"]
var keyArray = ["x", "1", "x", "x", "4", "x", "6", "x", "x", "9", "x", "11"]
var characterCountArray = [Int]()
var scaleSize = Int()
var textMessage = String()
func formatTextMessage() {
var formattedTextArray = [String](repeating: "", count: scaleSize)
for i in 0..<scaleSize {
let element = tuningArray[i]
countNumericCharactersBeforeDotOrSlash (s: element)
let largestStringSize = characterCountArray.reduce(Int.min, { max($0, $1) })
for i in 0..<scaleSize {
let thisStringSize = characterCountArray[i]
let blanks = largestStringSize - thisStringSize
let filler = insertWhiteSpace(count: blanks)
formattedTextArray[i].append("\t" + keyArray[i] + "\t" + filler + tuningArray[i] + "\n")
textMessage += formattedTextArray[i]
func insertWhiteSpace(count: Int) -> String {
var filler = ""
for _ in 0..<count {
filler = filler + " "
return filler
func countNumericCharactersBeforeDotOrSlash (s: String) {
let fractionalNumber = findFractionalNumber(s: s)
let decimalNumber = findDecimalNumber(s: s)
var thisStringSize = 0
if !fractionalNumber && !decimalNumber {
print("Error: invalid number format")
if fractionalNumber == true {
let pitchStringArray = Array(s.characters)
let endIndex = pitchStringArray.count
if let slashIndex = pitchStringArray.index(of: "/") {
let dividendFiller = endIndex - slashIndex
thisStringSize = s.characters.count - dividendFiller
} else {
if decimalNumber == true {
let pitchStringArray = Array(s.characters)
let endIndex = pitchStringArray.count
if let dotIndex = pitchStringArray.index(of: ".") {
let remainderFiller = endIndex - dotIndex
thisStringSize = s.characters.count - remainderFiller
func findDecimalNumber(s: String?) -> Bool {
if (s?.contains(".")) == true {
return true
return false
func findFractionalNumber(s: String?) -> Bool {
if (s?.contains("/")) == true {
return true
return false
scaleSize = tuningArray.count