Retrieve cell date from a google spreadsheet to HT

2019-09-08 09:57发布


I have a google apps script which serves HTML. It retrieves data from a google spreadsheet and renders it as a html table.

It works well except when there is a date on the cell, I get the following error on the JS console:

Uncaught ScriptError: Se ha ejecutado la secuencia de comandos, pero el tipo de valor que se muestra es incompatible.

It is in Spanish, but means: the cmd sequence was executed, but the type of data showed is not compatible.


<script type="text/javascript">



I think the problem is in this function, because it fails in every script that I implement it:

function fillTabs(tabs) {
/*Tabs debe ser un array de objetos. cada objeto debe tener, name refiriendose a la pestaña y un array bidimensional con los datos de esa pestaña [rows][columns]*/
  var tabsDiv;//=$('#tabs');
  var table;
  var data;
  console.log("=Array tabs: "+tabs);
  for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {

    var tabName=tabs[i].name;
    console.log("==Procesando: "+tabName);
    table='<table class="mytable"><tr>'    

    //iterando columnas primera fila (HEADERS)
    for(var x=0; x<data[0].length;x++){
    table+=' <th width="20%">Action</th></tr>'; //cabeceras fin

    for( var j=1; j<data.length; j++){//iterando rows. Empezamos en la 1 porque 0=headers
      table+='<tr id="'+j+'">'
      for(var k=0; k<data[j].length;k++){//iterando columns




function getAllTabsData(){
  var tabNames = getColumnData('Types'); 
  var sSheet =SpreadsheetApp.openById(key);
  var tabsObject=[];

  for(var i=0; i<tabNames.length;i++){
      { name:tabNames[i],

  return tabsObject;

I don't get any error on the GS part, just in the HTML. All the JavaScript code after that is not being executed.

I checked other similar script and it works with dates. You can see it here

The only difference is that does not returns an array of objects (like mine does), it only returns a single array.


I don't understand why this does not work "by deafault", but as I suspected, JSON did the JOB

Adding JSON.stringify on the server side and

JSON && JSON.parse(json) || $.parseJSON(json);

on the client side worked.

I copied that line of code. I understand the part after the ||, but I don't understand why to use JSON && JSON.parse. I suppose is to avoid trying JSON.parse if JSON is not available.