Bing map bug on Safari 7 (or Safari bug?)

2019-09-08 09:28发布


I am displaying a set of properties on Bing map. It works all fine in Chrome, FireFox, IE, and Safari on Windows (version is 5.1.7 - their latest version for Windows). But it doesn't work in Safari 7 on Mac.

When displayed correctly, all properties are located on a green residential area. But on Safari 7, all properties are displayed on the far left of that area - on a totally wrong location. Also, the larger left part of the map is blank (there is no map!).

I saw a similar post Bing Maps Issue on Safari 7. The left part of their map is also blank. The problem there seems not solved. I followed Microsoft's guideline (meta, CSS position/width/height etc), none of them work.

I suspect that's a Bing bug? Or a Safari bug?

Sorry I don't have enough reputation to post images...


Now that I solve the problem, I confirm that this is NOT a bug of Safari or Bing.

the <div> that load the the map is embedded in many other divs, panels, fieldset, Telerik ajax panel, RadTabStrip etc. You have to remove some of divs, and also some styles of divs to make it work. It's tricky, you have to do many tests to finally pin down which element caused the problem and remove that element.

I took me several days to figure this out.