I have to define the prolog pyramid(N) that prints out a pyramid of asterisks of given height as in the following example.
this is what i have done so far...
I can't find the way to print out the rest of stars needed for each lines..
I also tried to define support predicates to handle subparts of the program.but failed to find one.
pyramid(0) :-
pyramid(N) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
foreach(between(1,N1,_), write(' ')),
write('*'), nl,
Think of how many stars each level gets in terms of N
. Say you are at line i
, with N = 4.
- First line gets 3 (actually,
) spaces, a star, and another 3 spaces.
- Second line gets 3 - 1 spaces, 3 stars, and another 3 - 1 spaces.
th line gets (N - 1) - (i - 1)
spaces, 1 + 2 * (i - 1)
stars, and another (N - 1) - (i - 1)
So that gives:
pyramid(N) :- pyramid(N, N-1).
pyramid(0, _) :- nl.
pyramid(N, K) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1,
foreach(between(1, N1, _), write(' ')),
Q is 2 * (K - N1) + 1,
foreach(between(1, Q, _), write('*')),
foreach(between(1, N1, _), write(' ')),
nl, pyramid(N1, K).
I think (but not sure) you can also remove the N > 0
bit since the case pyramid(0, _)
will be checked first.
Something like should do you:
pyramid(N) :- % to make an ASCII art pyramid...
N > 0 , % - if first has to have a height,
pyramid( N-1 , 1 ). % - then just invoke the helper predicate.
. %
pyramid(I,_) :- % If the indentation level has dropped below zero, we're done.
I < 0 . %
pyramid(I,C) :- % otherwise...
I >= 0 , % - if the indentation level is non-negative...
repeat_write(I,' ') , % - write that many spaces,
repeat_write(C,'*') , % - write the desired number of asterix characters
nl , % - a new line,
I1 is I-1 , % - decrement the indentation level
C1 is C+2 , % - increment the asterix count
pyramid(I1,C1). % - and recurse down.
repeat_write(0,_) . % writing zero characters is easy.
repeat_write(N,C) :- % writing N characters is also easy:
N > 0 , % - N must be positive
write(C), % - write a single character
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N
repeat_write(N1,C). % - recurse down.