How do you use variables to rename files in Ruby?
File.rename("text1.txt", "text2.txt")
The above example is fine when using irb, but I writing a script where both var1 and var2 are unknown to me.
for example:
script_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)
Dir.glob('Cancer1-1.pencast').each do |pencast|
pencast_title = File.basename(File.basename(pencast), '.*')
i = 1
audio_title = File.basename(`unzip -l #{pencast} | grep .aac | awk '{print $4;}' | awk 'NR=='#{i}''`)
audio_path = `unzip -l #{pencast} | grep .aac | awk '{print $4;}' | awk 'NR=='#{i}''`
audio_extension = File.extname(File.basename(audio_path))
new_name = "#{pencast_title}-#{i}#{audio_extension}"
File.rename(audio_title, new_name)
does not work...
but if i use puts var1
I see the file name I want.
The error I get is:
prog_test.rb:12:in `rename': No such file or directory - audio-0.aac (Errno::ENOENT)
or Cancer1-1-1.aac
from prog_test.rb:12
from prog_test.rb:5:in `each'
from prog_test.rb:5
but the file audio-0.aac
is there... I'm looking at it.
I am certain I have located the problem: it seems to be adding a variable to another variable. This is a simplified example that produces the same output:
audio_title = "audio-0.aac"
fullPath = File::SEPARATOR + "Users" + File::SEPARATOR + "name" + File::SEPARATOR + "Desktop" + File::SEPARATOR + audio_title
newname = File::SEPARATOR + "Users" + File::SEPARATOR + "name" + File::SEPARATOR + "Desktop" + File::SEPARATOR + "audio1.aac"
puts fullPath
puts newname
File.rename(fullPath, newname)
prog_test.rb:22:in `rename': No such file or directory - /Users/name/Desktop/audio-0.aac or /Users/name/Desktop/audio1.aac (Errno::ENOENT)
from prog_test.rb:22