I am having troubles with integration WAS [ND/BASE] 8.5 or WAS [ND/BASE] 8.5.5 with Worklight Studio 6.0 in Eclipse or in RAD 9.
What I did:
Installed RAD 9
Installed WAS TE 8.5.5, created AppSrv profile, secured
Installed Worklight 6.0 on the WAS - worklight console application installed fine
Installed Worklight Studio 6.0 in RAD 9
Created new Hybrid project in fresh workspace
Now, I am trying to have the project run on WAS 8.5.5 (full profile) server, and Worklight Studio 6 does not support it? When I open "Change Worklight Target Server", create new WAS BASE 8.5.5 server - the server not appear in the drop down for that dialog.
NOTE: Same I had with Eclipse 4.2.2 and standalone WAS, using Worklight 6 and Worklight Studio 6. No any support for Websphere full profile. Did I do it wrong?
What I want to do: integrate Eclipse with Worklight Studio with WAS ND (not Liberty Profile) as server for testing.
Thanks in advance.