Android - Fonts in Application

2019-09-08 07:46发布


I have added an external font in /assets directory, and manually doing setFacetype(font). Isn't there a general way to set the whole application to use a specific font if you have added it external? Or do you have to use Android's selected fonts in order to achieve this?


You cannot use your custom fonts through to whole application in a general way.

You cannot set your custom fonts through xml files.

You have to use the Typeface functions in your code to use your custom fonts within your application.


Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(this.getAssets(), "MYFONT.TTF"); 

This also how to use it in a textview.

For whole application go to Using a custom typeface in Android.

and go to Manish Singla answer


Typeface mTypeface =  Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "YOUR FONT NAME");
textview.setTypeface(mTypeface, Typeface.NORMAL);

标签: android fonts