as.formula does not like equivalence '=' (

2019-09-08 07:42发布


consider the following example

df1 <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,3),b=c(2,4,6));
    a b c
  1 1 2 3
  2 2 4 6
  3 3 6 9

So far, so good. Now I would like to code this dynamically, using as.formula:


However, R says

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'b' not found

This error does not occur using "~" as separator of left hand and right hand side. Can I somehow delay the evaluation of the formula? Is it possible at all to use as.formula on an assignment? I have tried fiddling around with 'with' but to no avail.


I've solved the problem you mentioned in your comment, since that seems to be your real goal. This avoids messing with the formulae from your original question.

A reproducible version of your dataset.

group_names <- apply(
    expand.grid("X", c("X", "O", "Y"), c("A", "B", "C"), "_", 0:9, 0:9),
    collapse = ""
n_groups <- 50
n_points_per_group <- 10
df1 <-
    runif(n_points_per_group * n_groups),
    ncol = n_groups
colnames(df1) <- sample(group_names, n_groups)

Now convert the data frame to long format. (Using reshape package here. You could also use stats::reshape.)

melted_df1 <- melt(df1)

Define a grouping based upon your criteria that the second character and the number match.

melted_df1$group <- with(melted_df1, paste(
    substring(variable, 2, 2),    
    substring(variable, 5, 6),
    sep = ""

Now call tapply (or plyr::ddply if you prefer) to get the summary stats.

with(melted_df1, tapply(value, group, mean))