I am trying to retrieve an Access Token from BOX.COM oauth2 and no matter what I do I get the same error. {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing"}. I have verified the client id, client secret and get a new code every time I try (the expire every 30 seconds). I have tried VB.NET, C# and even the RestClient plugin for FireFox. Below is the VB.NET code that I am using. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Brian
Public Sub GetAccessToken(ByVal code As String, ByVal client_id As String, ByVal client_secret As String)
Dim xrc As RestClient = New RestClient
Dim grant_type As String = "authorization_code"
Dim request As New RestRequest(Method.POST)
Dim strHeaders As String
Dim response As RestResponse
Dim strResponse As String
'Base URL
xrc.BaseUrl = "https://api.box.com"
request.Resource = "oauth2/token"
'Format Headers
strHeaders = String.Format("grant_type={0}&code={1}&client_id={2}&client_secret={3}", grant_type, code, client_id, client_secret)
'Add Headers to request
request.AddHeader("Authorization", strHeaders)
response = xrc.Execute(request)
'Parse Response
strResponse = response.Content
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub