Why isn't $injector finding $state in my unit

2019-09-08 05:30发布


The following is my module and unit test set-up. When I try to set $state, $injector.get("$state") throws the always fun Unknown provider: $stateProvider <- $state error and I don't understand why.

angular.module("my-module", [
        //Third Party

describe("something descriptive and helpful", (): void => {
    // a bunch of other service variables....
    var $state: any;

    // I've tried with and without this line
    beforeEach(() => angular.module("ui.router")); 

    beforeEach(() => {


        inject(($injector: ng.auto.IInjectorService): void => {
            // a bunch of other service variable assignments
            $state = $injector.get("$state");


You need to call


to load the module.


The point of mocking $stateProvider and $state is to stub third-party services and test only your own code in isolation, thus reducing the number of moving parts.

It basically is

beforeEach(module("my-module", ($provide) => {
  $provide.factory('$state', ($q) => ({
    go: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(() => $q.resolve());

it('...', inject(($state, ...) => {

At this point ui.router module isn't supposed to be loaded in tested modules because it will require additional stubbing.

See also this answer for the explanation of how $stateProvider route configuration can be tested.