I have this code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var max = 0;
foreach (var address in textBox2.Text.Split(','))
max = +1;
var maxp = 100 / max;
foreach (var address in textBox2.Text.Split(','))
progressBar1.Value = +maxp;
It calculates how many emails are in the textbox, and then makes a proportion. To each email sent adds the value of progress, the problem is that when I press the button, the progressbar does not move. When all emails are sent the progressbar moves to the end of stroke.
How can I do?
This happens because you loop and the ui are executing on the same thread. While the loop is busy, it can't update the ui
You can use a BackgroundWorker
to run the loop on a different thread in the background, then use the BackgroundWorker's ProgressChanged
event to update your progressbar. You can learn more about BackgroundWorkers here
Again you are executing code on a thread other than the UI thread. In WinForms you must invoke back to the UI thread and in WPF you must use application dispatcher.
Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate {
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>{
You block the UI thread so it cannot refresh the UI until the processing leaves the method.
See three different solutions here with explicitly used threads, BackgroundWorker
and async