I'm working on web app that basically allows the user to enter data about a product and then add it to the web page in a table. I would like to save this information in a file of some kind (just locally on my computer, for now) so that the user can open his or her previously-created entries.
This is a stripped-down version of the html page:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<table id="itemsTable">
<th>Date Added</th>
<th>Item Description</th>
<div id="itemInput">
<h3>Add Item</h3>
Date Added:<input type="date" id="dateAdded">
Description:<input type="text" id="description">
<input type="button" value="Add Row" onclick="addRowFunction();">
<input type="button" value="Delete Selected" onclick="deleteRowFunction();">
I then have some javascript to evaluate and interpret the data, client-side. I'm looking for ideas to store the recorded entries (locally). Not only that, but I'm looking for suggestions as to how to delete information that's been stored as well.
As per your request, here is a snippet of my JS code:
//Striped-down object
function Item (dateListed, description) {
this.dateListed = dateListed;
this.description = description;
//Simple function to take data from form, create object, add to table.
function addItem() {
var dateAdded = document.getElementById('dateAdded').value;
var description = document.getElementById('description').value;
// I realize that using an object in this striped-down version is kind of
// unnecessary, but in the full code it makes more sense.
var newItem = new Item(dateAdded, description);
table = document.getElementById('itemsTable');
var row = table.insertRow(1);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
cell1.innerHTML = newItem.dateListed;
cell2.innerHTML = newItem.description;