I am looking at this guide to help me with setting up a "Add to Cart" feature within my application.
Within the guide the author only allows a user to add to the basket if they are signed in (which also means the button is not visible until this point), however I don't want to be restricted by this, so the "Add to Cart" would always be visible, but when clicking if you are not logged in then you would be redirected to the login/signup page.
Within the controller we are using the before_filter :authenticate_user!
which by default will redirect back to the page you came from once you have signed up/signed in (or so I believe, please advise if this is incorrect).
The issue I have is achieving this with an XHR request. This is the setup so far
class CartsController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def show
cart_ids = $redis.smembers current_user_cart
@cart_images = Image.find(cart_ids)
def add
$redis.sadd current_user_cart, params[:image_id]
render json: current_user.cart_count, status: 200
def remove
$redis.srem current_user_cart, params[:image_id]
render json: current_user.cart_count, status: 200
def current_user_cart
<%=link_to "", data: { target: @cart_action, addUrl: add_to_cart_path(@image), removeUrl: remove_from_cart_path(@image) } do %>
<i class="di-shopping-cart-up"></i>
<span><%= @cart_action %></span> Cart
<% end %>
$(window).load ->
$('a[data-target]').click (e) ->
$this = $(this)
if $this.data('target') == 'Add to'
url = $this.data('addurl')
new_target = "Remove from"
url = $this.data('removeurl')
new_target = "Add to"
$.ajax url: url, type: 'put', success: (data) ->
$this.data('target', new_target)
What happens at the moment when I click "Add to Cart" is that the request fails with a 401 Unauthorized
in the console with the response You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
How can I approach this?