I am trying to write my own system call under Arch linux system, the following is the format of the system call:
long getpeuid(pid_t pid, uid_t *uid)
Which is used to get the euid of calling process's parent process.
I know I have to verify three things first:
check if the pointer is pointing to the user space. That can be done by
.check if the pointer is pointing to the calling process's address space.
check if the calling process has the permission to write to the space the pointer is pointing to.
I found the syscall copy_to_user()
can copy the kernel space variable to user space, but I am not sure if the syscall checks the other prerequisites first.
Also, I am not sure how can I get the calling process's parent process euid. I know getppid()
could get the parent process ID, but I am not sure how to proceed with that. Can someone give me some hint on this?
Thanks in advance!
A follow up question, if I want to check if the effective uid of parent process is root, I could simply see if euid equals 0, is that right?
Another question, are we allowed to call getppid() and other syscalls inside a syscall? after some googling, it seems like everyone is trying to avoid doing this.