Suppose I have a WPF two-way data binding between a source (CLR property) and a destination (UI control property). Now anytime the destination property is updated, I want to update the source property on a non-UI thread (not on Dispatcher thread). In my application, I am using Rx (Reactive Extension) Scheduler, thus, I plan to provide one Rx scheduler for the execution.
As an example, if I bind the property Value of the following object and the UI updates the property using the binding, I want the setter of Value property to be executed on an Rx scheduler I provided.
public class A : VMBase { // VMBase provides the plumbing of INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _Value;
public string Value {
get { return _Value; }
set { SetField(ref _Value, value, () => Value); }
It is possible to modify the source property's setter to switch the update to another thread.
public class A : VMBase { // VMBase provides the plumbing of INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _Value;
public string Value {
get { return _Value; }
set { GetScheduler().Schedule(() => SetField(ref _Value, value, () => Value)); }
However, in my case this is not practical because I need to ask my users to modify their codes.
Googling the issue, I found that I can create a custom WPF binding as follows: However, I couldn't find where I should hook the code to invoke the update on the Rx scheduler.
Any solutions or hint ? I am also opened to solutions based on Reactive Extensions or Reactive UI.