I'm using the ngCordova LocalNotification plugin in my Ionic app and I am trying to get it to repeat but with a random time span.
For example the user will trigger the notification to launch in 1 minute, and after that I would need to have the notification launched again in another 2 minutes (hypothetical example, in real life scenario the time span would be much higher, ie a couple days).
So far I can get the notification to execute for the first time.
Then, I am using the $cordovaLocalNotification:trigger method to detect when the notification was triggered and inside of that method I have a code to schedule a new notification.
All of this works, but in order to launch whatever it is inside of that method's body, I have to acknowledge the notification on my device and click on it, then it launches this method.
So I am wondering if there's a way to have it schedule a new notification without me having to open the previous notification?
All of this has to happen locally on the device and the notification should persist even if the device is rebooted. Thanks a lot!