loading txt files into matlab structure

2019-09-07 23:22发布


I have a txt file below as shown in the attached figure:

a 0.15
ne 1e25
density 200
pulse_num 2

Is has n rows, 2 data on each row. The first data is a sting that contains the field name, and the second data contains the value. The two data is separated by a space. How do I load this txt file into a matlab structure? Basically I want something like:

whatIwant = struct('a', 0.15, 'ne', 1e25, 'density', 200, 'pulse_num', 2)

I only know how to load it to a table (using readtable), and I can convert the table to a cell, then to a structure. Problem is that I don't know how to append a structure. I don't want to input the field names in my code, so if I change the field names (or don't know the field names) the final structure will have the appropriate field names.

Or are there other simple ways to load it directly?


This can be done using:

fid = fopen('info.txt');     %Opening the text file
C = textscan(fid, '%s%s');   %Reading data
fclose(fid);                 %Closing the text file
%Converting numeric data stored as strings in a cell to numeric data using cellfun
s=cell2struct(cellfun(@str2double,C{2},'un',0),C{1},1); %Converting into a structure array

Read the documentation of fopen, textscan, fclose, cellfun and cell2struct for details.