Fixing Crash :Critical failure: the LastResort fon

2019-09-07 22:52发布


I am using this tutorial for using sqlite to insert 10000 entries

using this code in my viewcontroller.m

- (void)viewDidLoad

    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
    [self AddTHousandsOfEntry];

    for (int i=0; i<100500; i++) {
        NSString *regNo=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i];
        NSString *name=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"name%d",i];
        NSString *department=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"department%d",i];
        NSString *year=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"year%d",i];

        if (regNo.length>0 &&name.length>0 &&
            department.length>0 &&year.length>0 )
            [[DBManager getSharedInstance]saveData:regNo name:name department: department year:year];


Its giving me error Crash :Critical failure: the LastResort font is unavailable

I am using xcode 5.1 with deployement target set 7.1

How to fix it. I got this answer but not seems its a genie answer>

Please help, i am unable to enter thousands of entry cause of it. My client requirement is to use 7.1 depolyement target.

And if i set my Deployment target to 6.1 and simulator to 6.1 Then on calling AddTHousandsOfEntry dont show any error. But on clicking textfield to enter value it gives this error


Unable to load TextInput framework from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TextInput.framework/TextInput

 No input manager class for input mode: en_US



I think this is not issue of 10000 entries in database but it is the issue of font i think. So, you can overcome it by deleting fonts from your info.plist and then add one by one and then test with every edition and find out which font creating issue.

Refer this so post !!!!