I am following the steps here and here to build and simulate a multi device hybrid app in ios.
I followed the steps in the articles and I can see that when I run my multi device hybrid app in visual studio using iphone simulator as the run target, the connected mac device response to the build request. However, the mac terminal will end the build process with the following build error:
Done building 5116: error CordovaModuleLoadError [ '3.5.0-0.2.4' ]
And here is the full terminal output:
IBRAHIM-ALHUSSAINs-Mac-mini:cordova IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN$ vs-mda-remote --secure false
Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading resources for language en from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/vs-mda-remote/resources/en/resources.json
Build Retention initialized with baseBuildDir /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds, maxBuildsToKeep 20
Initialized BuildManager with baseBuildDir /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds; maxBuildsInQueue 10; deleteBuildsOnShutdown true; allowsEmulate true; nextBuildNumber 5115
Remote build server listening on [http] port 3000
ios-sim is installed on path at: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/vs-mda-remote/node_modules/ios-sim/build/release/ios-sim
New build request submitted:
{ 'accept-language': 'en-US',
host: '',
connection: 'keep-alive',
'transfer-encoding': 'chunked' }
New build request submitted for cordovaVersion: 3.5.0-0.2.4; buildCommand: build; configuration: release
Build will be executed under: /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116
Saving build request payload to : /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116
Saved upload to /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/upload_5116.tgz
Extracting /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/upload_5116.tgz to /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/cordovaApp...
POST /build/tasks?command=build&vcordova=3.5.0-0.2.4&cfg=release 202 1279ms - 529b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 3ms - 529b
Extracted app contents from uploaded build request to /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/cordovaApp. Requesting build.
Taking 5116 as current build
Building cordova app B8ak بيتك at appDir /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/cordovaApp
Opened build log file /Users/IBRAHIMALHUSSAIN/remote-builds/builds/5116/build.log
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 2ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 2ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 2ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 0ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 1ms - 625b
Done building 5116 : error CordovaModuleLoadError [ '3.5.0-0.2.4' ]
Done with currentBuild. Checking for next build in queue.
GET /build/tasks/5116 200 2ms - 667b
GET /build/tasks/5116/log 200 4ms