This is a followup of Finding connected nodes question.
The code is
firstNode = graphDb.createNode();//creating nodes
firstNode.setProperty( "person", "Andy " );
Label myLabel = DynamicLabel.label("person");
firstNode.addLabel(myLabel); ...
relationship = firstNode.createRelationshipTo( secondNode, RelTypes.emails );// creating relationships
relationship.setProperty( "relationship", "email " );....
ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);
ExecutionResult result = engine.execute("MATCH (sender:person)-[:emails]- (receiver)RETURN sender, count(receiver)as count, collect(receiver) as receivers ORDER BY count DESC ");
The result I got was:
sender | count | receivers
Node[2]{person:"Chris"} | 3 | [Node[4]{person:"Elsa "},Node[0]{person:"Andy "},Node[1]{person:"Bobby"}]
Node[4]{person:"Elsa "} | 3 | [Node[5]{person:"Frank"},Node[2]{person:"Chris"},Node[3]{person:"David"}]
Node[1]{person:"Bobby"} | 3 | [Node[2]{person:"Chris"},Node[3]{person:"David"},Node[0]{person:"Andy "}]
Node[5]{person:"Frank"} | 2 | [Node[3]{person:"David"},Node[4]{person:"Elsa "}
How to collect the sender as key and receivers as values?
For ex : {Frank =[David, Elsa], Chris =[Elsa, Andy, Nobby]..
Any idea?
Initially I tried iterating something like this
for (Map<String,Object> row : result) {
Node x = (Node)row.get("receivers");
for (String prop : x.getPropertyKeys()) {
System.out.println(prop +": "+x.getProperty(prop));
This throws classcast exception. It works for column "sender" and not for "receivers".
I am very new to cypher. I don't know how to transform the result into a hash map. How is this possible ?