My ultimate goal is to change the background of a div through clicking on the sampla picture.
First I wrote this:
<a onclick="document.getElementById('sp').style.background="url('/assets/castle.png')"">...<a>
but it didn't work. I noticed that the problem was usage of multiple " and '. So put the function into a script tag:
<script type="text/javascript">
var pic="";
function showP(pic) { document.getElementById('sp').style.background='url(pic)';};
<a onclick="showP(/assets/castle.png)"><img src="/assets/castle.png" width="50px" height="50px"></a>
As supposed by seeing /assets dir, this is a rails app. I also tried o use jQuery selectors like $("#sp").css() or dropping the variable altogether and trying the function as:
function showp1() { document.getElementById('sp').style.cssText='background: transparent url(/assets/castle.png) no-repeat 0 0;'}
to try out solutions proposed in questions with similar titles but none did work. Whatever I try, on the html source, the portion showP(/assets/castle.png)" below is marked red:
<a onclick="showP(/assets/castle.png)"><img src="/assets/castle.png" width="50px" height="50px"></a>
Are there any suggestions?