javascript onClick change background picture of di

2019-09-07 16:21发布


My ultimate goal is to change the background of a div through clicking on the sampla picture.

First I wrote this:

<a onclick="document.getElementById('sp').style.background="url('/assets/castle.png')"">...<a>

but it didn't work. I noticed that the problem was usage of multiple " and '. So put the function into a script tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var pic="";
    function showP(pic) { document.getElementById('sp').style.background='url(pic)';};

<a onclick="showP(/assets/castle.png)"><img src="/assets/castle.png" width="50px" height="50px"></a>

As supposed by seeing /assets dir, this is a rails app. I also tried o use jQuery selectors like $("#sp").css() or dropping the variable altogether and trying the function as:

function showp1() { document.getElementById('sp').style.cssText='background: transparent url(/assets/castle.png) no-repeat 0 0;'}

to try out solutions proposed in questions with similar titles but none did work. Whatever I try, on the html source, the portion showP(/assets/castle.png)" below is marked red:

<a onclick="showP(/assets/castle.png)"><img src="/assets/castle.png" width="50px" height="50px"></a>

Are there any suggestions?


Avoid putting JS in your HTML code. Use unobtrusive event listeners. They are very easy in jQuery:

$('#clickMe').on('click', function() {
    $('#changeMe').css('background-image', 'url(');

See this Fiddle.


Try this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showP(pic) { 
        document.getElementById('sp').style.background = 'url(' + pic + ')';

<a onclick="showP('/assets/castle.png')">
    <im  src="/assets/castle.png" width="50px" height="50px" />

You needed to pass a string to the showP function in the onclick handler, which should be in quotes. You're passing a string into the function, which is in the pic variable being passed into the function. You want that string variable's value to be concatenated with the URL rule for the background style.


the background image URL does not require quotes. Try:

<a onclick="document.getElementById('sp').style.background='url(/assets/castle.png)'">...<a>


As others have said, you do seem to have an issue with quotes. You can check out my working example on jsFiddle.