I am looking for UFT and TFS integration (Run test from TFS like we did with HPQC) I search on google but no help . If anyone know how to do this please let me know steps.
I am looking for UFT and TFS integration (Run test from TFS like we did with HPQC) I search on google but no help . If anyone know how to do this please let me know steps.
You can use Generic Test to call QTP during the testing in TFS. Make sure QTP is installed on the test agent. See the code here for reference: QTP TFS Generic Test Integration.
One more link for reference: Executing remote QTP scripts via Test Agents and Test Controllers.
Take a look at a solution from OpsHub.
More details:
Announcement: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2013/05/16/enabling-seamless-integration-with-team-foundation-server-microsoft-test-professional-and-hp-alm-with-opshub-v5-3.aspx
Video: http://opshub.com/ohrel/Resources/Videos/QTP_MTM_Video/QTP_MTM_Video.mp4
Case study: https://customers.microsoft.com/Pages/CustomerStory.aspx?recid=17218
Take a look into this code:
import QTObjectModelLib dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin location to your solution.
public void Fn_QTP()
qtApp.Visible = true;
qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast";
qtApp.Options.Run.StepExecutionDelay = 0;
qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = false;
qtApp.Test.Settings.Run.OnError = "Stop";
//iterate for all test cases under selected module
// oTestSuiteDict : this dictionary conatins all the testsuites from TFS which meant to be executed.
//keys have their ID's
foreach (var item in oTestSuiteDict.Keys)
foreach (var TestCase in oTestSuiteDict[item].Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Executing TestCase : {0}", TestCase);
//update the XML file and upload in QTP
//this XML file is used to provide the data to QTP as a environment variables.
Fn_UpdateXMLFile(item, TestCase);
//Open the test Case
string scriptPath = @"path of script that will be opened in QTP (Action)";
qtApp.Open(scriptPath, true, false);
// Get a reference to the test object
qtTest = qtApp.Test; // Get reference to test object opened/created by application
qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep";
//check if the library is already associated.
if (qtTest.Settings.Resources.Libraries.Find(@"library path") == 1)
qtTest.Settings.Resources.Libraries.Add(@"Library Path");
//Console.WriteLine("Library is associated with Test");
// Get a reference to the Results Object for test results location
QTObjectModelLib.RunResultsOptions qtRRO = new QTObjectModelLib.RunResultsOptions();
// Run the test
//creates and start the instance of Stopwatch just to track the time period of testcase execution.
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
qtTest.Run(qtRRO, true, null); // run the test
string oTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString();
oTestCaseTime.Add(TestCase, oTime);
string ostatus = qtTest.LastRunResults.Status;
oResults.Add(TestCase, ostatus);
qtTest.Close(); // Close the test
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(qtTest); // Cleanly release COM object
qtTest = null; // set object to null
//qtApp.Quit(); // Quit QTP
GC.Collect(); // Garbage collect
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); // Wait for GC
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(qtApp); // Cleanly release COM Object
qtApp = null; // set to null
// Fn_UpdateXMLFile : function to update environment variables for qtp //module name : the testsuite name(contains list of testcases); testcasename : testcases listed in modulename(test suite)
public void Fn_UpdateXMLFile(string modulename,string testcasename)
string oPath = @"path of xml file";
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("Environment/Variable/Value");
nodes[0].InnerText = modulename;
nodes[1].InnerText = testcasename;
//format of XML file :