I use the template data context inside a template's created
Template.temp.created = function() { console.log('this.data'); };
When I go to the page normally--i.e. click the link to the page--I see the console log the correct data object. When I hit the refresh button on the page, this.data
is null
Also, I am using iron-router to set the data context:
this.route('temp', {
data: function() { return MyCollection.findOne(someId); },
If you want to wait until data come then use waitOn
this.route('temp', {
return this.subscribe("nameOfPublishFunction");
data: function() { return MyCollection.findOne(someId); },
Remember to activate loading hook (thanks @Peppe L-G):
IronRouter docs #waitOn
Here you can find sample meteor app with iron:router package which shows how turning loading hook on and off ( Router.onBeforeAction("loading")
) changes availability of data to created
and rendered