How can I use Goertzel Algorithm if the wave format are the following: - 2 Channels - 32 bit - 48 kHz
I already searched about Goertzel algorithm but all I can see all over the internet is detection of DTMF with wave format of 2 Channels, 16 bit, and 8 kHz. I don't know what part of code should I modify to meet my requirements.
Private Function Goertzel(ByVal sample As Byte(), ByVal N As Long, _
ByVal freq As Double, ByVal sampr As Long) As Double
Dim Skn As Double = 0
Dim Skn1 As Double = 0
Dim Skn2 As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim c2 As Double
Dim i As Integer
c = 2 * Math.PI * freq / sampr
c2 = Math.Cos(c)
For i = 0 To (N - 1)
Skn2 = Skn1
Skn1 = Skn
Skn = 2 * c2 * Skn1 - Skn2 + sample(i)
Return Skn - Math.Exp(-c) * Skn1
End Function
Private Function power(ByVal val As Double) As Double
Return 20 * Math.Log(Math.Abs(val)) / Math.Log(10)
End Function