I'm trying to create a basic animation. I need to touch on a button to hide or show.
I wrote this code to tap on the screen:
func visibleControlButton(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if (backButton!.isHidden) {
_UIButtonHiddenAnimation.hiddenAnimation(button: self.backButton!, hide: false)
} else {
_UIButtonHiddenAnimation.hiddenAnimation(button: self.backButton!, hide: true)
Definition _UIButtonHiddenAnimation:
class _UIButtonHiddenAnimation {
class func hiddenAnimation(button: UIButton, hide: Bool) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2,
animations: {
hide ? (button.alpha = 0) : (button.alpha = 1.0)
completion: {
finished in hide ? (button.isHidden = true) : (button.isHidden = false)
Animates just hide the button. How to make an animated appearance of a button?