Splitting a comma-delimited string of integers

2019-09-07 08:01发布


My background is not in C (it's in Real Studio - similar to VB) and I'm really struggling to split a comma-delimited string since I'm not used to low-level string handling.

I'm sending strings to an Arduino over serial. These strings are commands in a certain format. For instance:


'@' is the header indicating a new command and '!' is the terminating footer marking the end of a command. The first integer after '@' is the command id and the remaining integers are data (the number of integers passed as data may be anywhere from 0 - 10 integers).

I've written a sketch that gets the command (stripped of the '@' and '!') and calls a function called handleCommand() when there is a command to handle. The problem is, I really don't know how to split this command up to handle it!

Here's the sketch code:

String command; // a string to hold the incoming command
boolean commandReceived = false; // whether the command has been received in full

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // main loop

void serialEvent(){
  while (Serial.available()) {
  // all we do is construct the incoming command to be handled in the main loop

    // get the incoming byte from the serial stream
    char incomingByte = (char)Serial.read();

    if (incomingByte == '!')
       // marks the end of a command
       commandReceived = true;
    else if (incomingByte == '@')
       // marks the start of a new command
       command = "";
       commandReceived = false;
      command += incomingByte;


void handleCommand() {

  if (!commandReceived) return; // no command to handle

  // variables to hold the command id and the command data
  int id;
  int data[9];


  // flag that we've handled the command 
  commandReceived = false;

Say my PC sends the Arduino the string "@20,2000,5!". My sketch ends up with a String variable (called command) that contains "20,2000,5" and the commandRecieved boolean variable is set to True so the handleCommand() function is called.

What I would like to do in the (currently useless) handleCommand() function is assign 20 to a variable called id and 2000 and 5 to an array of integers called data, i.e: data[0] = 2000, data[1] = 5, etc.

I've read about strtok() and atoi() but frankly I just can't get my head around them and the concept of pointers. I'm sure my Arduino sketch could be optimised too.


Since you're using the Arduino core String type, strtok and other string.h functions aren't appropriate. Note that you can change your code to use standard C null-terminated strings instead, but using Arduino String will let you do this without using pointers.

The String type gives you indexOf and substring.

Assuming a String with the @ and ! stripped off, finding your command and arguments would look something like this:

// given: String command
int data[MAX_ARGS];
int numArgs = 0;

int beginIdx = 0;
int idx = command.indexOf(",");

String arg;
char charBuffer[16];

while (idx != -1)
    arg = command.substring(beginIdx, idx);
    arg.toCharArray(charBuffer, 16);

    // add error handling for atoi:
    data[numArgs++] = atoi(charBuffer);
    beginIdx = idx + 1;
    idx = command.indexOf(",", beginIdx);

data[numArgs++] = command.substring(beginIdx);

This will give you your entire command in the data array, including the command number at data[0], while you've specified that only the args should be in data. But the necessary changes are minor.


seems to work, could be buggy:

#include <string.h>

int main(){
char string[]="20,2000,5";
int a,b,c;
printf("%i %i %i\n",a,b,c);
printf("%i %i %i\n",a,b,c);

return 0;

标签: c string arduino