I'm trying to deploy the MaxMind geoIP database as part of a Java app deployed in Google AppEngine. Things worked okay when we were using the free version, but upon upgrading to the paid-for (and larger) database, trying to deploy gives the error:
File /tmp/appcfg4412552511405829763.tmp/WEB-INF/GeoIPCity.dat is too large (limit 32000000 bytes)
As far as I can tell, I have jar splitting enabled, but that doesn't help because this isn't a jar (renaming it to .jar doesn't magically fix it either :). Is there any way to get a file this large (~48mb) deployed as part of an AppEngine app?
My fallback plan is to shove the file in Cloud Storage and grab it from there. Unfortunately, Maxmind's Java code really really wants a File - not a Stream, not a Reader, not a byte[], but a File - which is hard to come by in AppEngine. Before I end up re-writing a bunch of stuff, I figured I'd see if anyone had managed to solve this problem already.